Welcome to Postal Methods.

Video Tutorials

Compose a Letter

Create a document within the portal, using a multitude of fonts, colors & styles. You can also upload additional docs that can also be sent with the letter.

Upload Documents

You can upload multiple documents, then enter the Return & Send to Address, which will generate a Cover Page, that is folded & seen in #10 envelope windows.

Mail Merge

Allows you to upload a csv file with addresses, that can be merged into a PDF or a template you create. This works similar to a Mail Merge created in Word.

Multi Documents

Upload a file with one or multiple documents to be mailed.  Divide out your documents by number of pages, first page indicator or manually.

Certified Letters

asily send out documents via Certified Mail or Certified Mail with Signature, which generates an electronic receipt. Both options do provide tracking.

General Overview

This video provides a snapshot of what Postal Methods can do to make your work lives easier. You will see multiple ways that you can streamline mailing!

Users and Departments

This tutorial shows you how to add as many users as  you want to your account as well as create departments and generate usage reports.

Sending Postal Mail by Email

This tutorial will show you how to mail out Postal Mail simply by emailing your docs to our online portal.  It also shows you how to create an address cover sheet.

Using the Address Book

This tutorial will show you how to add addresses to the built-in address book and how to use the addresses that you have saved in your address book.

Understanding Pricing

This tutorial will help you to better understand Postal Method’s pricing structure.

Stop a Letter from Processing

If you change your mind and need to prevent your letter from being mailed, this video will explain when and how it is done.

Address Location

If you want to verify that your address is placed correctly, you can use this video.

Fixing Invalid Addresses

This video will explain how to fix an invalid address

Finding Older Documents

This video will show you how to find older processed documents.

Fixing Incorrect Page Size

If you get the error Page Size is Not Correct, this video will show you how to resize your document.

Address Block Cover Sheet

This video will explain how create a cover sheet.

Mail Merge Cover Sheet

This will show you how to create a cover sheet that can be used with Mail Merge